Docker Containers training – Geneva, Switzerland and France

Containerization is at the heart of IT transformation and orchestration. This course explains Docker concepts, how it works, and gives best practices for running it in production.
This course contains many hands-on labs for building and managing containers.



Formation Docker sur Genève, Suisse et France

2 days / max 8 people *


Target Audience


This course is for system administrators, operations, developers, architects and DevOps who want to explore the world of containers and Docker.


Master Containerization with Docker!

Apprenez à utiliser la plateforme Docker et ses conteneurs pour gérer vos applications

Course Outline*


  • Virtual Machines versus Containers
  • Installation & configuration
  • Docker CLI
    • Start / Stop / run / delete
    • attach / detach
    • List / describe
  • Containers, Images and Registry
    • OCI, Runtimes (Docker, containerd, runc, …)
    • Pull and push images
    • Docker Hub & product registries
  • Docker Volume
    • Persistent data
    • Mapped Volumes & Bind Mounts
    • Volume drivers
    • Databases with Docker
  • Docker Ports and Network
    • Namespaces, IP
    • Bridge, Host, Overlay
  • Build, tags and Push docker images
    • based images, OS, Scratch
    • Docker instructions
    • Caching, size, immutability, healthchecks
    • Multistage build
    • Tagging
  • Security best practices
    • Registries, versionning & authentication
    • Root, privileges
    • Limit privileges & capabilities
    • Secrets
    • Vulnerability, scanning
  • Docker Compose
    • Installation, concepts
    • Commands
  • Tooling like Portainer
  • Road to Kubernetes


* Standard terms – Modifiable according to your configuration and your objectives

Leader Developer, Architect, Chef de projets, DevOps ing assistant à une formation DevSecOps, Kubernets, Docker, ... sur Genève, organisée par Sokube



To get the most out of this course, you should have some basic knowledge of Linux. Each participant must have a laptop to carry out the practical work.



At SoKube, we are committed to bringing you the

best possible learning experience!


We believe it is important to emphasize practicality and individual support during our training courses so that you can learn at your own pace and a way suited to your abilities.

Our learning methods will also allow you to acquire the skills necessary to implement them successfully during your daily missions and projects.


We look forward to working with you!

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You are based in Switzerland, France or Europe, schedule an interview with one of our experts to find out more about the Sokube service or training offer.

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+41 79 749 63 86

Rue Adrien-Lachenal 20-1207 Genève, Suisse