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Terraform Vs Ansible

By Stéphane Métairie. Contexte Pour les entreprises qui hébergent principalement leurs services dans des systèmes "legacy", le mouvement vers l’Infrastructure-as-code pose la question du choix des outils. Terraform et Ansible sont des outils couramment utilisés dans ce domaine. Mais, quand, comment utiliser Terraform, Ansible? Et devons-nous utiliser les deux? Remarque importante : cet article ignore […]

25 février 2023

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Solution de stockage Kubernetes avec Portworx

By Lionel Gurret. Introduction au stockage Kubernetes Comme vous le savez certainement Kubernetes est une plateforme d’orchestration de conteneurs gratuite et open source. Elle vous permet de gérer les environnements conteneurisés et fournit des fonctionnalités telles que l’auto-réparation, le déploiement, les rollbacks, le scaling et le packaging! Le stockage n’est peut-être pas votre principale préoccupation […]

24 février 2023

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How to speed up Ansible playbooks drastically ?

By Lionel Gurret. Introduction Ansible is a well known open source automation engine which can automate, provision, handle configuration management and orchestration. As it doesn’t need an agent by using SSH protocol, and because you don’t need to write code using simple modules, Ansible eases the deployment and management of your applications ! Before discussing […]

23 février 2023

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Introduction to Kubernetes Operators

By Lionel Gurret. Introduction As you already know, Kubernetes is a great and popular container orchestrator. You can use its features to deploy your applications and it will take care of many things like scaling, rollouts and rollbacks or even self-healing as described below. To do so, you will write manifests in YAML format (deployments, […]

23 février 2023

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AWS + Kubernetes = AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

By Sami Amoura. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a service to deploy a fully managed Kubernetes cluster. This service is called Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Amazon EKS gives you the flexibility to start, run, and scale Kubernetes applications in the AWS cloud or on-premises. Amazon EKS helps you provide highly-available and secure clusters and […]

23 février 2023

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K3S + K3D = K8S a new perfect match for dev and test

By Yann Albou. Working with Kubernetes on a local machine when you are a Dev or an Ops is not as easy as we could think. So, how to easily create a local Kubernetes cluster that would meet these needs ? At SoKube we heavily use k3d and k3s for these purposes. More than a […]

22 février 2023

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Proxy instance for your binaries – a must-have!

By Sébastien Féré. Over the last twenty years, Open Source Software components – powered by a vibrant Open Source community – have radically changed the way we develop software. A "proxy" instance of a Binary Repository can do much more than just caching artifacts. This article details some opportunities from security best practices to advanced […]

20 février 2023

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GitOps on a Laptop with K3D and ArgoCD

By Fabrice Vergnenègre. Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash — TL;DR Who said practising GitOps always requires complex tooling and expensive infrastructure, even for simple scenarios ? In this article, we will demonstrate how to setup (and run) a GitOps environment with K3D and Argo CD for local development. Operating an application the GitOps way […]

20 février 2023

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Kubernetes – tips for your CKAD exam by CNCF

By Sébastien Féré. A few days ago, I passed the CKAD exam – the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer – and scored a respectable 95% and also got rewarded with the CKAD badge! I hope my story will help you either in getting your certification or in giving you the desire to pass one of the CNCF […]

20 février 2023

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